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Darker shades of human hair colors are more closely related to the original color of the hair from India and China. Factories can process this hair to make various darker hair colors without too much difficulty. However, factories have now increased costs for processing lighter hair colors. This is due to the extra time, products and educated craftsmanship required to achieve quality hair colors with the least amount of abuse to the hair structure/cuticle. Therefore, you will notice a slightly higher selling price if you should choose one of the lighter hair colors. Thank you for your understanding.With the addition of human hair to this hairpiece, the availability of this item is divided up into light and dark colors. This particular item code and price reflects that of the light colors only.
Lightweight & easy to use the HBT-4x6H adds just a touch of extra hair in thin spots. Ideal for use at crown, top, or bangs, for smaller areas of thinness and can be attached at angles, vertically or horizontally to match the flow of your desired hairstyle. The HBT-4x6H is designed to blend in with your own hair creating a natural, fuller look right where you need it. This amazing little hairpiece is constructed of 5 rows of elastic hair wefts that have just enough space between each row so you could pull your own hair through, completely blending it into your hairstyle. Ideal for those with soft, fine hair who are looking for a little extra volume.The HBT-4x6H is made of 100% Human Hair. As is, the HBT-4x6H has a soft wave to the hair but you can use a curling iron or blow dryer to achieve your desired look. The base size of the piece is 4" side to side by 2" top to bottom and has a finished hair length of 4".
Styling Tip: To get the look of highlights without chemically treating your hair you could choose a color that is a shade different from your natural hair color. Once you blend it in with your own hair the result will be a beautiful highlighted effect.
Hair-B-Tweenz (HBT)... a funny-sounding name for a very unique, very professional product. They are little thin hairpieces that are used much the same way as hair extensions or hair integration systems, but without all of the time, expense and mess of gluing and sewing.
Hair-B-Tweenz are reasonably priced and there is no special training required for you to begin using them immediately! Not a cover-up hairpiece, but a much more delicate and absolutely natural looking piece, because it mixes in with and goes underneath one's own hair.
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