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REMY HAIR WITH INTACT CUTICLESFair Fashion uses only Remy hair with intact cuticles, which has been meticulously selected for wigs with 10-12 inch long hair because it preserves all the characteristics of our own hair, such as volume and softness. The cuticles help protect the hair from the many stress factors that can damage long hair such as frequent styling with hot tools, blow dryers or rubbing against clothes. Because of the cuticles, the hair on the wigs lasts longer without drying up as fast as in other wigs. Furthermore, because the cuticles are all aligned in the same direction they prevent long hair long hair from getting tangled. When each strand of hair is hand-tied onto the cap a short piece of the hair comes back out from the knot in the opposite direction from the rest of the hair (except in the Natural Cap). This part of hair is called “the return knot” in technical language and its cuticles are all aligned in the opposite direction from the rest of the hair. To avoid tangling the cuticles are partially removed in the “return knots.”
Fair Fashion
Full Wig
Remy Human Hair
Sensitive Cap
14.5" (37cm)
16.5" (42cm)
14.9" (38cm)
6.9 oz (195 gm)
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